Notice of Privacy

Ricardo Guadalupe Coronel Polanco hereinafter “Mouty”, with the commercial name Mouty, with commercial address at Avenida Republica 50 Int #321, Zona San Juan de Dios, 44360 Guadalajara, Jal. You will be responsible for the processing of your personal data.

1 Important Notice

To all our Users of, or to any Owner of Personal Data vis-à-vis Mouty, we inform you that to improve the security of the Personal Data that you provided to Mouty and to have greater knowledge of the treatment given to them To this data, we made reforms in Mouty's Comprehensive Privacy Notice which you can consult Here.

The Privacy Notice will come into force on January 4, 2021. If you do not agree with the Reforms to the Privacy Notice, please express your dissatisfaction before the moment it comes into force to the email contacto@moutyjoyeria .com

Issues this Privacy Notice, so that the Owner of the personal data, from now on called “Owner”, is aware of the treatment that the Company gives to Personal Data.

The Company declares that the Privacy Policy ensures that any information that the Owner provides will be kept private, secure and confidential. To attest to this, in this document the Company indicates the details of what information is collected and how it is used.

The Owner acknowledges that the information provided about himself is true, correct, current and complete, taking civil and criminal responsibility for said information.

The Company reserves the right to exercise Discretionary Acts to Review Personal Data.

The information from the owners or the means of communication between the owners and the company can be verbal, written, electronic, optical and other technology such as postal mail, Internet or telephone.

For the purposes of this Privacy Notice, there are different types of Owners, in each of the types of owners the Personal Data collected and the purposes of the processing of the aforementioned will be different. The types of holders will be the following:

Owners Users in Digital Environment

Owners Users of the Internet Page

2 User Owners in Digital Environment

The User Owner in a Digital Environment is the one who provides his or her personal data to contract the Services provided by the Company in a Digital Environment, through its Internet Page (, hereinafter and together, the “Page”, “Internet Page”, “Website” or “Site”.

Personal Data is provided through the creation of an Account or User Registration. The Company collects personal identification information that is provided voluntarily by the User, or in response to explicit requests by the Company.

The information requested is the following:





Bank card number


Email account

Phone number

The Company does not collect sensitive personal data in the digital environment.

The Company may also collect your Internet Protocol (IP) address to help diagnose problems with our server, and to administer the Site. An IP address is a number that is assigned to your computer when you use the Internet. Your IP address is also used to help identify you within a particular session and to gather general demographic information.

We use push technology through the Company's application that is used to send notifications with prior authorization from the user. This means of communication does not have any type of access to other functions or information of the equipment with which it connects to the site. .

The information may include the URL from which they came (whether or not on our Website), which URL they next access (whether or not on our Website), what browser they are using, as well as the pages visited, the searches performed. , publications, purchases or sales, messages, etc.

3 Cookies

The User of the Company's Internet Page knows and accepts that the Company may use a tracking system through the use of cookies (the "Cookies").

Cookies are data files that are stored on the hard drive of a user's computer equipment or electronic communications device when browsing an Internet site, which allows status information to be exchanged between said site and the user's browser. State information may reveal means of session identification, authentication or user preferences, as well as any data stored by the browser regarding the Internet site.

Cookies are used in order to know the interests, behavior and demographics of those who visit or are visitors to the Internet Page and in this way, better understand their needs and interests and give them a better service or provide them with related information. We also offer certain functionalities that are only available through the use of Cookies.

We will also use the information obtained through Cookies to analyze the pages browsed by the visitor or User, the searches performed, improve our commercial and promotional initiatives, show advertising or promotions, banners of interest, perfect our offer of content and articles, personalize said contents, presentation and services.

Cookies are also used so that the User does not have to enter their password so frequently during a browsing session, also to record and corroborate the records, the User's activity and other commercial concepts and agreements, always having as their objective the installation of Cookies, the benefit of the User who receives them, and will not be used for purposes other than those of the Company.

It is established that the installation, permanence and existence of Cookies on the User's or visitor's computer depends on their exclusive will and can be deleted from their computer whenever they wish. To know how to remove Cookies from the system, it is necessary to review the Help section of the browser. Also, Cookies or other similar systems installed by third parties may be found on certain pages of our Site. The Company does not control the use of Cookies by third parties.

The company also uses Web Beacons when the user is using the Page. Web beacons are visible or hidden images inserted within a Web site, which are used to monitor user behavior on these media.

In the event that the Company uses cookies, Web beacons or similar technologies, the user will be informed of this situation through a message or legend that will appear in their field of vision when browsing the page.

4 Purposes of Treatment

Personal Information is collected and stored for the purposes of identification and certainty of the User of the Company's Website (, in addition, it is used for the purposes of location, collection, contact, behavior and demographics of the users. Users, improve our commercial and promotional initiatives (marketing), send information or messages about new products and/or services as well as any other information, display advertising or promotions of interest to our Users, with the above, the Company can provide a service efficient to the User.

The purposes are necessary for the fulfillment of the obligations and the relationship with the owner, that is, for the Company to provide an efficient service to the User, this being the main obligation and which gave rise to the Legal Relationship between the Company and the User.

The collection of information allows the Company to offer services and functionalities that best suit the User's needs. It also allows the Company to send the User through different means and channels (including email, SMS, etc.) offers of products and services that may be of interest to the User. It also allows the Company to use as means of communication and send it to the User by different means and means (including conventional mail or electronic mail, SMS, MSM, electronic notifications) offers of products and services that may be of interest to the User, in addition to comply with their obligations by these means.

The Company reserves the right to request any proof and/or additional data in order to corroborate the personal data of each User, as well as to temporarily or permanently suspend those Users whose data could not be confirmed.

The User acknowledges that the account or User Registration is personal, unique and non-transferable, and it is prohibited for the same User to register or possess more than one account. If the Company detects different accounts that contain matching or related data, it may cancel, suspend or disable them. The User will be responsible for all operations carried out in their account, since access to it is restricted to the entry and use of their personal password, which is exclusively known to the User. In the event that the account is suspended, the Company will store the User's personal data, to the effect that the User and the Company will continue to be subject to what is stated in this Privacy Notice.

In the event that the User's information at the time of registration is incorrect or incomplete, making verification and identification of the User impossible, the Company will have the right to immediately suspend the provision of the Services through the Internet Page. , without the need for prior notice, the User being responsible at all times for the losses and damages ultimately suffered.

5 Owners with whom the Company has a Contractual relationship

The Owners with whom the Company has a Contractual relationship are those individuals or representatives of legal entities with whom the company enters into a contract, in order to correctly perform its functions, obligations, provide a service or fulfill its purposes.

The data collected from these owners is the following:

Full name

The functions or positions that you perform or have performed

Physical address

Electronic address



Academic data

Employment history

Bank account number

Tax Information

Data on your workforce or members

6 Data Transfer

The Owner expressly authorizes the Company to keep in its registry the information provided by the Owner, and also authorizes the Company to provide constant information about the aforementioned registry to (i) authorities that request it as permitted by current legislation and ( ii) to its strategic, commercial or technical partners in order to offer better conditions for Promotions and/or User content. In addition, the User expressly allows the Company to collect information for traffic monitoring, with the intention of identifying user groups and profiles, as well as for advertising targeting purposes.

Data Transfers are for lawful purposes and in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties.

The recipients of the information to be transferred are strategic, commercial or technical associates, which is only used for advertising purposes and development of the Website.

The Company declares that it will not transfer any type of information from the Owner to national or foreign Third Parties, otherwise, the Owner will be informed by publishing a new Privacy notice. The foregoing in accordance with the provisions of article 36 of the Regulations of the Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties.

7 Transfer in special circumstances

If there is a sale, merger, consolidation, change in corporate control, substantial asset transfer, reorganization or liquidation of the Company then we may transfer or assign the information collected on this Site to one or more relevant parties, in addition to being obligated to issue a new Privacy Notice updated to the internal changes suffered.

8 Data Submission

The Company declares that it may communicate Personal Data of the Owner with the Processor, inside or outside the national territory in terms of the provisions of the law or the Regulations.

The person in charge is a natural or legal person, public or private, outside the Company's organization, who alone or jointly with others, processes personal data on behalf of the Company, as a consequence of the existence of a legal relationship that links them to the Company. itself and delimits the scope of its action for the provision of a service.

This transfer of data is to comply with the purposes specified in the processing, which are directly related to the fulfillment of the objects and contractual or extra-contractual relationships with the Company.

The processing of data in this referral is subject to the following terms agreed between the company and the processor:

  1. Only process personal data in accordance with the Company's instructions;
  2. Refrain from processing personal data for purposes other than those instructed by the Company;

III. Implement security measures in accordance with the Law, Regulations and other applicable provisions;

  1. Maintain confidentiality regarding the personal data processed;
  2. Delete the personal data subject to processing once the legal relationship with the Company has been fulfilled or upon instructions from the Company, as long as there is no legal provision requiring the conservation of personal data, and
  3. Refrain from transferring personal data

9 Limit of use or disclosure of Personal Data

For the Owner to exercise his or her right to limit the use or disclosure of personal data, but with the intention of continuing to use the services provided by the Company, the user must express this in writing to the following email , said writing must contain the following:

The name of the owner and email where you receive the response.

Directed at the Company.

Customer registration or account with the Company to prove your identity or the relationship you have with the Company.

The clear and precise description of the data that you wish to limit its use or disclosure.

The Company will have a period of 20 business days to respond and, if applicable, execute the limitation of use. In said response, it will give the resolution and the possibility of carrying out what is requested in the Writing, without prejudice to the possibility of exercising its other rights. rights.

10 Exercise of ARCO Rights

The Owner has the right, personally or through a Representative, to request the Company, at any time, access, rectification, cancellation or opposition, regarding the personal data stored in the Company's Database.

The Request must be in writing with the following requirements:

The name of the owner and address or other means to communicate the response to your request.

Documents that prove identity (copy of voting card for example) or, where applicable, the legal representation of the holder. Identifications must be Official.

The clear and precise description of the personal data with respect to which one seeks to exercise any of the rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition to them.

If applicable, the modifications to be made and provide the documentation that supports your request.

That the letter is addressed to the Company.

The Request will be sent to the Committee or the Personal Data Officer via email , and internally it will be sent to the person who receives and answers these requests.

The Company will inform the Owner, within a period of twenty business days from the date on which the request for access, rectification, cancellation or opposition was received, the determination adopted. The moment in which the request is received is the moment in which it has entered our server, responding with an Acknowledgment of Receipt.

Once the response has been sent within the established period, the Company will have 15 business days to execute the Access, Rectification, Cancellation or Opposition of the personal data in accordance with the request or similar rights.

The Owner must cover the justified shipping costs or the cost of reproduction in copies or other formats. Depending on the information, whether the delivery of the information is electronic or physical, the Company will need an address to send the information.

When the data is no longer necessary to fulfill the purposes provided for in this privacy notice and the applicable legal provisions, it must be cancelled, blocked and deleted by the Ministry of Law.

11 Procedures for blocking and deleting personal data

Once the data has been cancelled, the Company will keep the Owner's personal data for another month for clarification purposes and preparation for deletion. Once this period has expired, the Company will definitively delete the owner's personal data, having no opportunity to locate or contact the owner, and any file related to the owner will be removed from the database and discarded. If the owner performs another act with the company, he must initiate it as if the relationship had never existed.

The above, observing what is indicated in the Privacy Policies for the purposes of preserving information by ministry of law or authority.

Personal data that has had its purposes fulfilled, but that cannot be canceled and deleted by law or contract, will be blocked from the purposes to which it was submitted, until it can be deleted. During this period, personal data may not be processed.

12 Confidentiality of information

The data of the Owners will be provided only by the Company in the forms established in this Privacy Notice. The Company will use its best efforts to protect the privacy of your information. It may happen that by virtue of court orders or legal regulations, the Company may be compelled to disclose information to authorities or third parties under certain circumstances, or in cases where third parties may intercept or access certain information or data transmissions. in which case the Company will not be responsible for the information that is revealed. In these cases, the Company will notify the Owner about this situation.

We do not assume any obligation to keep confidential any other information that the Owner provides through newsletters and online chats, as well as the information obtained through cookies, information that has not been directly delivered to the Company.

It should be clarified that the Owner's information is NOT sold, given away, provided or rented to any third party. If the user does not want their data to be shared, they can decide NOT to use a certain service or NOT participate in some promotions or contests.

The Company will take all possible measures to maintain the confidentiality and security described above, but will not be liable for any damages or losses that may arise from the violation of these measures by third parties that use public networks or the Internet, altering the systems. security to obtain access to the information of the Owners.

Security violations that occur in any phase of the treatment that significantly affect the patrimonial or moral rights of the Owners will be immediately reported by the Company to the Owner, so that the latter can take the corresponding measures to defend Your rights.

13 Security and storage

The Company has implemented various security techniques to protect the data provided by the Owner against unauthorized access by visitors to the Website or the Company's Database, whether inside or outside the Company. One of the factors that protects the security of the data is that our system has implemented an SSL security lock, which makes it impossible for a person outside the relationship between the Owner and the Company to access or acquire the data in any way. illegal.

It is necessary to keep in mind that perfect security does not exist on the Internet. Therefore, the Company is not responsible for illegal interceptions or violation of its systems or databases by unauthorized persons. Likewise, it is not responsible for the improper use of the information obtained by these means.

When contracting a service or purchasing a product online, bank information will be requested for which we are committed to offering security and confidentiality of the data provided to us. To do this, we have a secure server, so that the information sent to us, it is transmitted encrypted to ensure its protection.

Once the data is received, we will do everything possible to safeguard the information on our server.


The Company's Database, where the information collected is stored, will keep the Information provided by the Owner saved and protected, even if it is modified, updated, or even canceled for any reason. The foregoing for the purposes of maintaining a History of the Owner and protecting their legal interests. The conservation of information indicated in this paragraph may be deleted or eliminated in its entirety through the exercise of ARCO Rights.

14 Customer Service or Company Attention

The Company makes available to the Owner an email in which they can clarify any questions regarding the use of Personal Data, means to exercise rights in relation to personal data, etc. The email is

15 Modifications to the Privacy Notice

The Company, as well as the Owner, recognize that this Privacy Notice is of unlimited validity. However, the company will try to keep this Notice updated.

The Company may modify the Privacy and Confidentiality Notice at any time without prior notice. Therefore, the Company recommends that the Owner regularly re-read this document, so that they are always informed of any possible modifications.

Alterations or modifications to this Privacy Notice will become effective immediately upon publication on the Company's Website.

Once the modifications are made, it will be presumed that the Owner who continues using the Company's Internet Page, requested its services, or carrying out the acts that gave rise to the relationship with the company, will have full knowledge, will have read and consented to the Notice. of Privacy reformed.

The Amendments to the Privacy Notice may be made known to the Owner through a notice on the Company Page, email, by telephone or in writing.

16 Emails

The Company may send emails to the User with the purpose of providing better service:

After User Registration, notifying you of your account details

With reminders of the services we offer (especially those you haven't used yet or haven't used in a considerable time)

To send information about the Products you have ordered

As part of a Newsletter

Product Promotions Email

To offer related services

In any case, in each of the emails we send we will always offer the possibility of requesting that we stop sending you emails in the future.

17 Public Records

The Public Registry of Consumers, Users and other related provisions, indicated in relative provisions such as that of Consumers or that of Protection and Defense of the User of Financial Services, will continue in force and will be governed in accordance with what is established by the aforementioned laws and the provisions applicable that derive from them, along with the rights that they consign.

18 Consent

The Owner declares that by using the page, providing his/her Personal Data and having an account or User Registration, or directly carrying out contractual or non-contractual origin with the Company, he/she has already read this notice and consents to the provisions of the same. The Owner consents to this Privacy Notice, in accordance with the Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, not opposing the Privacy Notice. No data will be processed until five days after they have been provided by the user and they have not expressed their refusal.

19 Revocation of consent

Consent may be revoked at any time without retroactive effect. To revoke consent, the Owner must send a Request, which must be in writing with the following requirements:

The name of the owner and address or other means to communicate the response to your request.

Documents that prove identity (copy of voting card for example) or, where applicable, the legal representation of the holder. Identifications must be Official.

The clear and precise description of the relationship you have with the Company.

Provide documentation to support your request.

That the letter is addressed to the Company.

Check that the relationship you have with the Company has ended.

The Company will issue a response in which it will confirm the revocation of consent, or, where appropriate, indicate the reasoning depending on the specific case, with the company having 15 days to issue this response. The deadlines will be counted from the moment the email enters our server, with the Company issuing the respective Acknowledgment of Receipt of the Request.

Any Request subsequent to the one mentioned in the previous paragraph will have the same effect as an initial one, with the Owner and the Company being obliged to the same deadlines indicated above.

The Application will not be valid if the above is omitted.

20 Internal Privacy Area

The owner may exercise his rights and make the queries indicated in this document, as well as in the law, through the Company's Privacy area. The Requests indicated in this document and in the Law must be directed to Ricardo Coronel, who is in charge.

The User will have to use the multi-referral email or Telephone +52 33 1438 9205, to contact the Privacy area.

Personal Data Protective Authority For any questions or additional information, as well as to exercise different types of rights and procedures in addition to those indicated herein, the User can contact the Federal Institute of Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data “IFAI” at Telephone 01800-835-4324 (toll-free) through the website

At: December 12, 2023
